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- /* Copyright (C) 1989, 1992, 1993 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Ghostscript.
- Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
- General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
- given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
- responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
- things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- copies. */
- /* gxchar.h */
- /* Internal character definition for Ghostscript library */
- /* Requires gsmatrix.h, gxfixed.h, gzdevice.h */
- #include "gschar.h"
- /* The type of cached characters is opaque. */
- #ifndef cached_char_DEFINED
- # define cached_char_DEFINED
- typedef struct cached_char_s cached_char;
- #endif
- extern const uint cached_char_sizeof;
- /* The type of cached font/matrix pairs is opaque. */
- #ifndef cached_fm_pair_DEFINED
- # define cached_fm_pair_DEFINED
- typedef struct cached_fm_pair_s cached_fm_pair;
- #endif
- extern const uint cached_fm_pair_sizeof;
- /* An enumeration object for string display. */
- typedef enum {
- sws_none,
- sws_cache, /* setcachedevice */
- sws_no_cache /* setcharwidth */
- } show_width_status;
- struct gs_show_enum_s {
- /* Following are set at creation time */
- gs_state *pgs;
- int level; /* save the level of pgs */
- const byte *str; /* char may be signed! */
- uint size;
- float wcx, wcy; /* for widthshow */
- gs_char wchr; /* ditto */
- float ax, ay; /* for ashow */
- int add; /* true if a[width]show */
- int do_kern; /* 1 if kshow, -1 if [x][y]show */
- /* or cshow, 0 otherwise */
- int slow_show; /* [a][width]show or kshow or */
- /* [x][y]show or cshow */
- int charpath_flag; /* 0 for show, 1 for false */
- /* charpath, 2 for true charpath */
- int stringwidth_flag; /* 0 for show/charpath, */
- /* 1 for stringwidth/cshow */
- int can_cache; /* true if can cache chars */
- gs_int_rect ibox; /* int version of quick-check */
- /* (inner) clipping box */
- gs_int_rect obox; /* int version of (outer) clip box */
- int is_composite; /* true if composite font */
- int ftx, fty; /* transformed font translation */
- int wmode; /* WMode of root font */
- /* Following are updated dynamically */
- gs_glyph (*encode_char)(P3(gs_show_enum *, struct gs_font_s *, gs_char *));
- /* copied from font, */
- /* except for glyphshow */
- int cache_set; /* true if suggested_scale & */
- /* dev_cache_info/dev have been set */
- int suggested_scale; /* suggested scaling factor for */
- /* oversampling, based on FontBBox */
- /* and CTM */
- gx_device_memory dev_cache_info;
- device dev_cache_dev;
- gx_device_null dev_null; /* null device for stringwidth */
- uint index; /* index within string */
- gs_char current_char; /* current char for render or move */
- gs_glyph current_glyph; /* current glyph ditto */
- gs_fixed_point wxy; /* width of current char */
- /* in device coords */
- gs_fixed_point origin; /* unrounded origin of current char */
- /* in device coords, needed for */
- /* charpath and WMode=1 */
- cached_char *cc; /* being accumulated */
- gs_point width; /* total width of string, set at end */
- show_width_status width_status;
- int current_scale;
- int (*continue_proc)(P1(struct gs_show_enum_s *)); /* continuation procedure */
- /* Following are dynamic, for composite fonts only */
- #define max_font_depth 5
- struct gs_font_s *fstack[max_font_depth];
- int fdepth;
- struct gs_font_s *pfont;
- };
- #define gs_show_enum_s_DEFINED
- /* Cached character procedures (in gxcache.c) */
- #ifndef gs_font_dir_DEFINED
- # define gs_font_dir_DEFINED
- typedef struct gs_font_dir_s gs_font_dir;
- #endif
- void gx_char_cache_init(P1(gs_font_dir *));
- cached_char *
- gx_alloc_char_bits(P4(gs_font_dir *, gx_device_memory *, ushort, ushort));
- void gx_open_cache_device(P2(gx_device_memory *, cached_char *));
- void gx_free_cached_char(P2(gs_font_dir *, cached_char *));
- cached_fm_pair *
- gx_lookup_fm_pair(P1(const gs_state *));
- void gx_add_cached_char(P5(gs_font_dir *, gx_device_memory *, cached_char *, cached_fm_pair *, int));
- void gx_add_char_bits(P4(gs_font_dir *, gx_device_memory *, cached_char *, int));
- cached_char *
- gx_lookup_cached_char(P4(const gs_state *, const cached_fm_pair *, gs_glyph, int));
- cached_char *
- gx_lookup_xfont_char(P6(const gs_state *, cached_fm_pair *, gs_char, gs_glyph, gs_proc_glyph_name((*)), int));
- int gx_image_cached_char(P2(gs_show_enum *, cached_char *));